Welcome to the Vieques Motus web page!
No one will ever forget when Dale Doucette said, “Why don’t we put a Motus tower up in Vieques?” His words were almost magical as if someone could call up the fairy bird mother (like the tooth fairy, for those who still believe) and she would drop one off over the weekend.
It was 2022 (or close), and Dale’s vision was that Vieques would eventually have three Motus towers. Dale did the research, set up the phone calls, and was tenacious as tenacious could be. It wasn’t long until we were convinced that at least one Motus tower was needed in Vieques. And then… Dale’s dream took off!
Daphne Gemmill conducted a wildly successful Bird-a-Thon to raise funds for a Motus tower, and thanks to the generosity of many wonderful friends and acquaintances, organizations, and agencies, as well as Daphne’s hard work and diligence, the Vieques Motus system is about to become a reality.
A special thanks to the ground crew, including Jose, Pedro, Alberic, Elier, Yanuel, Maya, and Adam. Grateful appreciation is owed to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Vieques National Wildlife Refuge, BirdsCaribbean, the American Bird Conservancy, and the Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust. This journey would not have been possible without you!
Vieques Motus Gallery – Soon To Follow